Santucci Home Photo Stills

The Santucci Home

This project was created to exemplify real estate photography and the benefit provided by using drone photography in showcasing a home. Although this location is not on the market a close friend of mine allowed me to use their house, so I would like to say thank you to them for providing me with the opportunity. To also further clarify, given that the house is not for sale and a family does currently live here, the address will not be released to protect their privacy. 

In planning for this project I loved this location because of how secluded yet expansive the property is. If you refer to my planning and presentation, both linked in a post titled "Real Estate Shoot Preparation," you can compare these photos to the marked locations in the planning document to see where photos were taken in relation to the overview of the property. You can also view the panoramas from this project here. For these photo stills editing was a breeze. As always I used my Yuneec Typhoon H with attached CGO3+ camera gimbal and got the greatest 4K shots. Thanks to this all that was needed in the editing phase were some light touches to levels to pull out any dull spots. I edited using Adobe Photoshop software. 

Front Yard and Facade - June 19, 2020

Bird's Eye View of Property - June 20, 2020

View from Above House - June 20, 2020

Swimming Pool and Deck - June 20, 2020

Swimming Pool and Basketball Hoop - June 20, 2020

Garage and Driveway - June 20, 2020

Facade - June 20, 2020

Driveway and Front Yard - June 20, 2020

Side of House and Sidewalk to Backyard - June 20, 2020


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