Website Design Shoot Planning

Montour High School & Elementary Campus

223 Clever Road, McKees Rocks, PA 15136

For this shoot I chose a location that could provide a different purpose from my previous projects. In turn I chose my alma mater of Montour High School. Since around 2011 the school district has been renovating and modernizing the campus to include a new high school building, a state of the art athletic center, and an entirely new elementary school meant to hold the capacity of the three elementary schools that were previously scattered around the district. Given the expanse of the campus this shoot took a lot of planning that can be viewed here. The satellite images included in the planning document are very outdated given that now an elementary school has been fully operational on the property for about 3 years at the time of this post, and the images don't reflect more than a flattened pile of dirt. Needless to say, I had some extra in-person planning to conduct once I arrived on location. A presentation was also created, which can be viewed here, to provide an example of what the district administrators may have received if there was an in-person meeting prior to shooting to establish their needs from the process. In addition to the planning process for this shoot the district requested that I provide liability insurance for any possible damages caused by the drone or during the shoot. I purchased a policy through Verifly, which is owned by Thimble who provides liability insurance per job for contractors of any profession. 

If you are interested in viewing the final product/deliverables for this project, check out my other posts titled "Montour High School Photo Stills" and "Montour High School Panoramas!"

In addition, you can view this tweet to see what district administrators thought of the final product!


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